Jun 02, 2008, 07:08 PM // 19:08
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Slovenia(Ljubljana)
Guild: Hey Mallyx [icU]
Profession: D/
[EotN] looking for new MEMBERS and GUILDS!!
We recruit new members and guilds!!
We are hardcore PVE so we are looking for hardcore players and guilds!!
Our guild has 80+members lots of them have 10+max titles some of them have even r5 or r6 so we are really a hardcore PVE guild!We do elite missions almost every day and we are helpful and polite!We have full GH!We also have forum and Vent!
Default Team Of The North [EotN] (Alliance)
The Team Of The North alliance [EotN] are looking for Kurzick, European, Experienced, Polite and helpful guilds to join the alliance.
We are mainly a title tracking alliance, but we include DoA, Urgoz and other elite missions to our PvE list to have some more fun. We have a lot of guild weekends and are currently working with an alliance weekend where we will play all elite missions (including Sorrows Furnace) with the 400~ alliance members.
What we require from your guild is:
* 40~ members
* Active
* Experienced
* Helpful
What we require from your members are:
* That they don't spam
* That they stay to the rules, and tries to keep others to the rules
* That reports are made to the leader or officer if the rules are broken by a guild mate
* Polite language
What we require from the officers are:
* As the members, stay to the rules and with all costs prevent others from breaking the rules
* That they don't look down on members as they were "noobs"
What we require from the leader is:
* That he/she joins the alliance meetings
* That he/she takes control over situations when his/her members/officers get rude in the AC
* That he/she don't look down on people as they were "noobs"
Alliance Rules
* No spamming are allowed in AC (If you want to play a mission, say it once and the assistance who're able to come will come.)
* Restricted WT/X messaging (Sample: "WTS req. 9 Stormbow, 60k", the rest is taken care of in Private Messages.)
* If you request help from someone, you should be ready to pay back the favour if he/she requests it
* Officers and Leaders shall deal warnings to the members directly in AC, or else we don't see it as the guild did something to solve the problem
* Anyone who repeats breaking the rules shall be kicked from the guild, and are not to be invited to any other alliance guild
* Guild hopping in the alliance are not allowed
* CAPS lock are not allowed
Our forum:
Website: http://eotnalliance.heavenforum.com
Wiki: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild:Team_Of_The_North
Contact Persons:
Turin Eenskolde
Genji Shosetsu
Kuza The Ps
Matrix Angel
Mac Reborn R
The Playful Sin
Milorad Milenkovic
Mrs Resign
Ehragus Bbqer
CYA online!!!
Last edited by kuza_the_ps; Jun 02, 2008 at 07:18 PM // 19:18..